My week started out good. I did a little under 2 miles walking on Monday. Tuesday morning, I woke up to a swollen foot and it hurt to step down on it. I tweaked a tendon in my foot again. This is the same spot I injured a couple years back and it's weak now so it re-injures in the snap of a finger. My best guess is my sneaker was tied a little to tight and didn't allow my foot to spread out completely when stepping down.
If I'd stayed off it, I would be healed by now but I was running around all week for friends so I didn't get a chance to rest it like I should have. It still hurts 6 days later. I'm hoping the fact that I stayed off it all weekend gets me back to walking by Tuesday-Wednesday.
You can see overall my stats suck for July. I really tanked over the last few weeks between the weather and from just being busy with bullshit stuff that keeps me from walking . This week was really bad due to the messed up foot.
I really only have any 2 maybe 2.5 months of good walking weather before the snow starts coming down so I better step up my game.
My diet has been even worse than my exercise. Between being on the road a lot eating convenience foods and not walking (which bums me out) my diet has been crap. I'm not even going to go into it but I need to turn it around.
I backtracked on a lot of what I accomplished in May and June. I probably put back on a good 10 pounds plus picked back up a lot of my old bad habits of not eating well and slacking on exercise.
Goals for Next Week:
My primary goal for next week is to get my diet back on track. I'll start walking again as soon as my foot has healed enough; That will probably be mid-week. The biggest hurdle will be reining in the diet. Exercise is always fairly easy to fall back into as I enjoy getting out to walk.
I'd also like to start maintaining a day schedule. I'm so much of a night owl though it's hard to keep on schedule when stuff isn't scheduled.